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Where Cashmere Comes From

Cashmere comes from a goat. The combination of dietary and geographic conditions of the Central and East Asian steppe, mountain plateaus and deserts have evolved the goats that dwell there into the most productive cashmere fiber growers in the world.

Production Area

Almost all high quality cashmere is produced in inner Mongolia, China. Some Central Asian countries also produce Cashmere but due to various reason the quality of the Yarn is not as good as one produced in China. Brands like Lora Piana also get their yarn from China and even Indian firms (The word cashmere comes from a place in India spelled Kashmir) get their yarn from China. The comparative large scale of production of Yarn in China has made it feasible for Chinese manufacturers to produce high quality Yarn.

Collection of Fiber

Cashmere is collected during the spring season when the goats naturally shed their winter coat.

How is it extracted

As we know, Cashmere goats live in harsh climates characterized by wide temperature fluctuations between seasons. . During winter, they grow long, fine fibers to protect themselves. During the shedding season, as summer is fast approaching, it can get very stressful to the goat. They need to shed enough hair in the short period so that they can bear the screeching heat of Central Asian summer. Moreover, the delicate nature of the Cashmere means use of machine might harm the hair of goat too. Thus, traditionally and even today hand combing is the preferred method to extract Cashmere. This method is beneficial to both the goat and the yarn.

Why not Shaving?

First of all, it is cruel and inhuman. Second, it does not work economically. Cashmere yarn comes from rare fibers found in the undercoat of cashmere goats. Shaving the goat will result in low yield as it is highly likely to damage the fiber. Thus, making it economically infeasible for yarn manufacturers.

So do not worry. Cashmere extraction does not harm the Goat.

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