Why we source our own Yarn?In recent years, the quality of the cashmere yarn available in the market is going down. At the very beginning, fast fashion brand...
Bajrayogini to PatasiFirst of all, Thank You! So far, You have been with us through out this journey. Now we invite you to a quest for the finest cashmere-...
Facility at work for you! WeavingBajrayogini Cashmere specializes in both weaving and knitting. Our partner dehairing and spinning factory is in Hebei, China and our...
1 Design, 4 Colors & 3 SizesThat's all you need to get started with Us. We want new, young and enthusiastic designers to work with us. This is the reason We have...
Service Oriented ModelOur objective is to provide the most seamless and relaxed OEM and ODM services to our client. We believe in providing services that...
Sustainability of Cashmere industryThe sustainability of the Cashmere industry is a big doubt. Climate change and to some extent over grazing has led to an drastic increase...
Know Your CashmereCashmere are finest choices when you decide to buy luxurious clothing to stay warm and look elegant for the winters. But with...
Cashmere in LoomsCashmere designs made in handlooms are very limited giving brands limited patterns and designs to work on. Hence, many brands have now...
The Cashmere GoatGoats are believed to be the earliest domesticated animal. Initially, the purpose was meat and milk. However, as some goats had...
Why Work With UsIf you are looking for a reason to work with us then look no further. Here some reason you should start your next project with us. We...